High school isn’t hard if you care


In America, all the people I know with bad grades literally don’t do their work. On-level classes especially aren’t that hard for the vast majority of kids. The problem with grades isn’t the school’s problem, it’s the parents’ problem. Kids these days are undisciplined and they place education very low on their list of priorities. I know plenty of people who could easily make good grades but they are constantly talking to someone or on their phones, not even trying.

TL:DR: Kids are undisciplined and that’s why their grades suck.

8 thoughts on “High school isn’t hard if you care

  1. High school isn’t really hard if you don’t care either though not caring in high school makes college a lot harder

  2. I didn’t do Jack shit in high school, maybe studied for a test twice in my high school career. Literally just listen to what the teacher is saying and then do the work they give you. If you do the former, the latter should be easy as fuck

  3. I just listened, graduated with a 3.5 gpa. There were classes that were harder, and I tried for those.

    It really is as simple as do your work, pretty much guarantees you atleast a C in the class.

  4. I got decent grades in highschool. I didn’t do any homework and I sure as fuck didn’t do any extra credit all I did was pay attention and participate a bit and I got mostly B’s with an occasional A or C. If I did the extras and actually studied I would have gotten straight A’s. In my experience people I knew who did poorly in school didn’t do dick. There was actually a few 20 and 21 year olds in my graduating class and they all cut class, skipped school, or slept and doodled through everything. Seriously even if you actually do have a harder time learning just attempting homework will bring up your grade, you don’t even have to get it right.

  5. I got decent grades in highschool. I didn’t do any homework and I sure as fuck didn’t do any extra credit all I did was pay attention and participate a bit and I got mostly B’s with an occasional A or C. If I did the extras and actually studied I would have gotten straight A’s. In my experience people I knew who did poorly in school didn’t do dick. There was actually a few 20 and 21 year olds in my graduating class and they all cut class, skipped school, or slept and doodled through everything. Seriously even if you actually do have a harder time learning just attempting homework will bring up your grade, you don’t even have to get it right.

    1. Because you aren’t even trying. You think it should be like middle school, but it isn’t. And it never gets easier, so better get up to speed.

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