I believe homeschooling is bad for children and should be outlawed at a State level. CMV

As a child who was homeschooled I can testify for the lack of structure and substance. 75% of homechool families are on a faith basis with the mother being the primary instructor. Most have no college degrees or any teaching experience. Homeschooling also leads to an extreme decline in social skills due to seclusion in […]

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Does it really matter that our kids go to a “good” school? Education & Learning

We are looking at buying a house (and are therefore looking at schools), and my husband is worried about the stats of college entrance and such for each school. I don’t think it’s so important as long as the school is safe. Some background on us, I went to a low quality school mainly serving […]

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Schools were not meant to be like Walmart.

Anything you need…Walmart has….lol. Walmart does what it does very, very well. Schools, on the other hand, are not equipped to be a one-stop shop: Education, Sports, Social Emotional Health, Physical Health, Counseling, Social Work, Nutrition, Etiquette, Medical Services, College placement, Entertainment, Parenting, Job placement, Community Involvement, Internship, Safety, and Mentorship.. The listed items are […]

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Hey y’all I’m in middle school and just wanna appreciate something my teacher did.

So basically we read a short story in English class about a girl being kissed without consent and wrote a essay on the importance of consent and why it was totally okay for the girls to stop the boys from kissing her. I think it amazing that we are being taught about such important things […]

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How to increase Learning / Knowledge bandwidth? (How much you can learn at once)

Imagine a situation, when a student studies a lot (May be for an exam or for skill building). That student has free time and is willing to study all day long, with maximum efficiency, over a certain period. Perhaps, that student would want to incorporate learning as a constant habit… However, it is also widely […]

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