All parents of Woodrow Wilson High School students are invited to attend the PTSO meetings which are held each month. Parents should contact a Community/School Coordinator at the high school for meeting dates. The PTSO is composed of parents, teachers, and students who function as an advisory group to provide suggestions/recommendations for improvement of school programs and to provide volunteer services for school activities.
Parents may request a conference with their childβs teacher any time during the school year. Parents are to please call the Guidance Office for an appointment. Preferably, the conference is to be held at times which do not interrupt instruction. Teachers may, at times, find it necessary to request special conferences with a parent. Please, determine to make every effort to meet with your childβs each if you receive such a request.
Report card distribution/conference are held in cooperation with the Parent/Teacher/Student Organization (P.T.S.O.) to provide an opportunity for teachers to share class expectations/procedures with parent, as well ad to provide parents with a personal progress report. The conferences are usually scheduled twice a year at the conclusion of the first and second marking periods. If your child does not receive a report card, please contact the school. Parents may request a progress report at any time by contacting the Guidance.