Freshman (9) 0 – 27.0 credits
Sophomore (10) 27.5 – 54.5 credits
Junior (11) 55.0 – 82.0 credits
Senior (12) 82.5 – 145.0 credits
A = 92-100
B = 83-91
C = 74-82
D = 65-73
F = BELOW 65
The grading system used in The Camden City School District is a system whereby the letter grades are determined by a percentage value.
A=92% and above Excellent
B=83% to 91% Above Average
C=74% to 82% Average
D=65% to 73% Passing/Below Average
F= BELOW 65% Failing
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The formula is: Total value attempted earned divided by the total credits.
Class Rank: A student’s academic standing in relationship to his/her classmates is determined by computing the grade point average (GPA) at the junior year and the end of the first semester of the senior year.
Class Promotions: A student must earn the listed credits in order to advance to the next grade.